Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Hi...it's Pam again. (Boy is Mike gonna be suprised when he sees this and discovers that I can "BLOG" on my own!!) We're bored, but well. Mike is (poo,poo, knock on wood, whatever other bubbemises dispel "kennehoras") feeling and looking great. The "pee-pee" spasms are a definite problem, but other than that excruciating pain, he's good! We are a little bored, however, which probably accounts for the fascination with the helicopter landing pad scross from our window. (Just wait until you have to sit through our photos of every single helicopter that lands there!)

Regarding our request for platelets...we've discovered that donations made outside of Houston, while being a GREAT and desperately needed service to the general community, will not really benefit Mike in any way that's worth the extra effort it would take to get a "credit" to him. (The "credit" is actually a small cash credit, not an offset of products used, as we thought.) Only blood products donated in Houston can be directed to Mike. so call your friends and relatives in Houston, will ya...If you plan to come to Houston, we can set up an appointment for anyone who wants to donate . If you donate anywhere else, just consider the enormous benefit you are providing to the community as its own reward!

And...yes, there are victims of the hurricane here at Anderson (as well as in Houston in general). We were told that one patient here was 1 day post transplant (!) when the hurricane hit and his hospital was flooded. He actually saved another patient from drowning before they both ended up out on the street and in the muck before they were rescued. Boy will he have stories to tell!! Here we are avoiding "germs" from every little thing, and these people end up out in the mud and assorted other junk from a demolished city!!

Lastly, we miss you all desperately (Maybe not really desperately, but alot). Almost every day we are bom- barded by someone from the Jewish community trying to be our new friends, but we just send them away 'cause we got our OWN friends at home! So, please don't replace us while we're gone...

O.K., I'm done. Love to all of you. Thanks for your messages, we really do look forward to reading them. Thanks for your concern and response to our request for blood and platelets, and thanks for being such good friends, in every sense of the term!!!


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