Sunday, September 11, 2005

New day 12
Home day 88
Bozo day 104
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Update!! The latest is ... [drum roll] ... we might not get out of here Monday. Things have been doing so well, I've been taken for granted the last few days. In orer to get some attention, I had some phantom fevers [see the glossary attached]. I managed to have fevers from 100 to 103.4 and that got everone's attention. After I had everyone paying attention, I took some med's and asleep at about 4:00 am. Poor Pam was up all that time too. After that episode, all was back to normal [I hesitate to use that word]

One of the many things Pam and I have wondered about was why hospitals tell you to rest so you can recover faster, sometimes even giving some medication to help you sleep, then proceed to wake you four times between midnight and 6:00 am for tests. How do you do you're rest when you're being awakened every two hours.

Pam has managed to sweet talk and sometimes bribe [see glossary attached] the CNA to check my vitals at about midnight then wait until 5:00 to do it again. We also have convinved the RN's to do the same for med's.

Revised departure date is Wednesday. BTW [glossary] spiking fevers [glossry] is not an unusual occurance. Spiking fevers could be the sign of the onset of an infection that must be treated ASAP. As an out patient, we would have to go to the hospital [do not pass go] immediately. It's much easier to buzz the nurse and let the nurse get drugs, IV's warm blankets [glossary] than it is to get to the car, zoom over here and wait and wait and wait, sometime 2 to 3 hours, until I could be seen by the ER. The ER will give me some high dose broadband [not DSL] antibiotics before telling me to wait for the doc.

So, I guess we've been blessed again, the spiking fevers happened while I'm still an in patient. Now that I've had my phantom fevers, maybe I can avoid another episode. I think, however, that the reason I'll be avoiding the fevers is that Pam told me not to do that again. She never told me that before ...


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