Apartment - - N0
Hospital - - Si
I had a little fever at the apartment and our instructions are to go to the ER asap, day or night if my temp was over 38.0 . . . impressed that we use centigrade? The temp threshhold is 101 F.
They put me in an ER room for a couple of days. ER rooms are very highly secure. No bath rooms, guests have to go into a specialty family room where guests look into the patients room from a closed room and talk to each other with an intercom. The whole thing is very spooky.
We couldn't get our computer activated until we mover to a regular room, just an hour ago. So we were incommunicado for a few days. We hope to get another chance to get out of here this week.
The fever was .5 to high for a couple of hours then they found otherthings to deal with, like retaining lots of fluids. They've been giving me lasix, just like the race horses get. For more info on lasix ask Ivan. It makes me pee like you can't believe. I never thought I'd be asking for a catheter, but it saved my sanity & kept my bed dry. [I think Pam might think this is to much info, so I'm sending this without her input.]
Believe it or not, this sequence of events is the rule rather than the exception. The Doc's tell me that I'm doing fine and things are moving along fine. I'm not sure about you, but I would think things would be going well if we could stay at the apartment for more than three days at a time.
More to come
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