Friday, October 14, 2005

Mea culpa!! I'm the guilty one for creating turmoil out here so no current blogs. Let me get you up to date. I'm really doing well.

As you know we were leaving the hospital and ended up back here [this is a clue] at MDAnderson. I had abunch of things come up and all seem to have resolved themself, with a little help from our medical friends.

We're about to give moving out another try. The unusual blood pressue issues that have bothered me have pretty well been resolved.

We haven't said much about the medical care and treatment we have received. Pam and I have been thrilled with the care we have been getting. A wonderful example of the treatment we've received happened on Yom Kippur. Pam saw the doctor who is in charge of my primary team and asked if Amy could call the doctor [by this time the entire hospital knows Jody is preggers and Amy is a nurse] Dr Hosing asked instead for Amy's number, called her right away and had a very good conversation. Amy told us that the Doc was not condescending in the least, was very informative and gave Amy all the time she wanted.

From a patient's and a very actively involved spouse's perspective, they've been all you could ask for.

Now, we can get along with JUST recovering from a bone marrow transplant.


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