Saturday, September 24, 2005

It's Saturday morning, and I'm happy to report that we're still as fine and dandy as ever! The "hurricane" skirted around the city of Houston, causing all kinds of damage in it's path, but leaving the city (and especially where we are) pretty much untouched. I stayed awake until about 4 a.m., peeking under the window shade in hopes of actually seeing a hurricane for myself, but nothin' happened! My disappointment at missing what may be a once in a lifetime opportunity to actually be in a hurricane was offset by the knowledge that we could have been in deep do-do if the power had gone off in the hospital (and we had to choose between microwave/coffee pot and life support equipment...tough choice...)

Anyhow, it seems that the rest of Texas, and the poor folks in Louisiana are digging out from the mess left by Rita, and our biggest inconvenience is that meals aren't served by "room service" today...

Mike remains fever-free. He's trying to sit up in a chair more, (being in bed is bad for pneuomonia), and we walk around the eleventh floor as much as he can. He still seems pretty weak, and unusually exhausted, but the doctor insists that everything is coming along very well! So, for now we'll just wait and see; if he doesn't seem to perk up in a day or two, I'll make some noise.

And, in response to the old farts reading this blog, please note that I not only stopped using the pleasing and decorative green ink, but I also made the type BOLDER so your old eyes don't have to strain...

That's it for now. Maybe when "sleeping beauty" awakens, he'll write too. Until then, thanks for worrying about us, but now stop!


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