Sunday, September 18, 2005

19/81/97 <-- got it?

The doc's are trial and erroring the antibiotics to get rid of all this. This is not an unusual way to do this. In all the years I've been doing this, not one blood or other culture has turned up positive. Heck any one of you could have told the docs that I have no culture.

Enough about me [for now]. I want to give you a little insight into MD Anderson. The full name of the medical facility is "The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center". Every one who works here works for the state of Texas. I thought it was curious that all the sheets, blankets, pillow cases lab coats, scrubs ... you get the idea ... are all embroidered with "The University of Texas MD Anderson Can Center," Does it means anythin? I don't know.

Second interesting item. Ever day they give me lots of drugs [some are fun] I took a good look at what was written on one of the the other day ... ONE A DAY huh??

Third factoid [not necessarily interesting] One of the things they tell you here is to be certain to drink, drink. When I ordered lunch, I asked for bottled water. What do they give me, two 8 oz. bottles of OZARKA water. I'm not sure how comforting it is drinking water from the ozarks. Isn't that where some of the hurricanes huffed and puffed etc.

I was willing to be opened minded so I looked at the bottles. At first I thought I was looking a tequilla with that agave worm in it. Oy!!!

Oh, BTW, my platlets continue to go up and are very strong. We're hopeful not to need any platelets for me. More to follow.

Kobe FugetSound rock. No more please


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