Friday, September 16, 2005

new day 17
home day 83
Bozo day 99

Hey, hey, hey, think you guys all need to get your priorities straight. You seem to have lost sight about what this blog is about ... me, me, me. I'm the sick guy, so you all have to cut me some slack. I'll write off all of your comments about Pam being funnier than me as your way to boost her spirits and I love you all for it.

Today was a tough day, infections sprung up again so I'm getting the attention I need here. Seriously, things are popping up that are uncomfortable, but once again the doc's say it's not unexpected, but we sure didn't expect all this.

So its onward and onward. Some times 3 steps forward and 2 steps back. We sort of figured out that there needs to be a certain amount of aggragation, pain and junk during the life of this project. I'm getting my tough time now rather than early in the process.

No jokes from me today. As Joe Friday said, Just the facts, mam."

And, from Pam...I just want to thank all of you who have written in to us, your messages and especially your funny, funny blogs have given us a lot of laughs; you're not as funny as we are, but keep trying! When there aren't any helicopters, we turn to your blogs for entertainment.


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