Sunday, November 06, 2005


I'M FREE! Well, I was released for the weekend! I've beeen such a good boy, I was allowed to take the week end off. I am still having an IV Sat and Sun, but I'm able to do it myself at home. It's a very cool but of new technology that lets me take a gadget that looks like a short baby bottle, attach it to my chest port and the presurized medication is dispensed at the proper rate. When my bottle is empty, I disconnect, flush and I'm done. I don't even have to stay home while I'm getting the treatment. After I hook up, I can put the bottle in my pocket and go.

Pam is in California at a baby shower for Jody, Scott and Bozo. I'm envious because Pam gets to play with Wally, Gracie, Valery and Gus. I've been told that Gus now rules the house - - who would have thought a 3 month old kitten would take over as he has.

I'm only nominally a batchelor this week end. Pam didn't trust me along so she brought my other wife, John to babysit me and he's as tough as Pam.

Another class on the new gadgets making the treatment of sickies easier to follow - - of course it follows when I get around to it.


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